PTN / PTS ? Mana yang lebih baik?
Tentu semua akan menjawab PTN. Tapi, bagi saya sekolah di PTN / PTS bukan masalah besar. Flexible aja, ada 2 hal yang sangat penting bagi saya dalam memilih perguruan tinggi.
1. Enjoy dengan atmosphere kampus
2. Enjoy sama fakultas yg saya pilih
Dan akan bagaimana saya nantinya setelah lulus dari univ tersebut.
Bukan masalah "gengsi" keterima di univ favorit, kalapun saya bisa masuk univ facorit tapi ternyata saya nggak enjoy gimana ?
Plus, kuliah di univ favorit "is not a big deal for me"
Banyak kok lulusan sarjana dari univ favorit yg ,maaf.. Susah cari kerja.
So I think it depends on the people.
Love what you love.
Choose what you choose.
Follow your heart.
Your future is yours ;)
Kamis, 20 Desember 2012
Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012
Kemarin waktu bina iman di sekolah, ada tema tentang Kebahagiaan yang membuat saya tertarik untuk mendengarkan dan menyimaknya. Berikut saya akan kutip di blog ini..
Bisa jadi ,memang tidak ada pakaian yang bernama kebahagiaan. Sebab kebahagiaan seringkali tak membutuhkan apapun, kecuali perasaan itu sendiri. Rasa itu hadir, dalam bentuk- bentuk sederhana, dan dalam wujud- wujud yang bersahaja. Seringkali memang, kebahagiaan tak hadir dalam istana- istana megah, penghasilan kita, dan mewahnya rumah kita.
Seringkali malah, kebahagiaan hadir dalam kesederhanaan, pada kebersahajaan. Rasa itu mnuncul pada rumha rumah kecil pada saat orang- orang di dalamnya mau mensyukuri keberadaan rumah itu. Kebahagiaan itu memang adanya di hati, di dalam kalbu ini. Asalkan kita mau mensyukuri apa yang kita punyai, dan yang kita miliki.
Terkadang kita butuh luka untuk menjadi tegar.
Butuh derita untuk mengerti makna hidup.
Butuh hinaan untuk menjadi kuat.
Butuh hati yang hancur untuk mengerti caranya bangkit.
Dan yang paling penting adalah kita butuh Dia, Sang juru selamat untuk menjadikan semua indah pada waktunya.
Bagi orang gurun air sangat berharga.
Bagi orang kutub matahari sangat berharga.
Bagi orang Jepang waktu sangat berharga.
Bagi Tuhan Yesus, kamulah yang paling berharga, karena kamu ditebus bukan dengan emas perak, tapi dengan Darah Penebus, Darah Domba Allah, Darah Tuhan Yesus Kristus.
Kasih itu dibentuk bukan saat berada di tempat yang penuh perhatian, tapi di tempat yang ada penolakan.
Pengharapan itu dibentuk bukan saat berada dalam kepastian, tapi dalam keraguan.
Iman itu diberntuk bukan saat berada dalam kenyamanan, tapi dalam penderitaan.
Begitu cara Tuhan membentuk kita, ketika menerima sesuatu yang buruk ingatlah saat ketika kita menerima yang baik.
Hidup ini sama seperti sebuah perlombaan, ibarat Tuhan adalah komando atau pejokinya...
Jika kita menjalani sakit dan berproses dalam kehidupan, berpikirlah "Tuhan ingin kita jadi pemenang.."
Minggu, 29 Juli 2012
" When you begin to value yourself, others will also. How you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you"
"Time always changes everything. It can change things to be worse, but make sure it changes you to be better"
"Walking with friend in the dark is better than just walking alone in the light"
"Always be thankful for what you have, because you'll never know how God works to you, through all those things you have"
Happy Sunday, bloggers ! XOXO
Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012
Carly Rae Jepsen - Talk To Me
Every morning
As I go walking by
I feel you looking
That’s why I take my time
Oh oh yeah
I can see what ‘cha wanna do to me
You can feel it something’s gonna break
Well I’m in if you’re in
Let’s make a big mistake
Talk to me, why won’t you talk to me
Can’t you see I’m burning up
When you look like that
And I’m looking right back
Why don’t you talk to me
Walk with me baby
When he’s singing his song
Well all the young girls sigh
And we’ll be wearing those things
That make a grown man cry
Oh oh yeah yeah
I can see what ‘cha wanna do to me
You can feel it something’s gonna break
Well, I’m in if you’re in
Let’s make a big mistake
Talk to me, why won’t you talk to me
Can’t you see I’m burning up
When you look like that
And I’m looking right back
Why don’t you talk to me
Walk with me baby
Come on take me away
I’ve been yours from the start
Summer nights, Summer days
I’ll be your summer heart
Come on take me away
I’ve been yours from the start…
When it’s love like that
And you look like that
Talk to me, why won’t ‘cha talk to me
Can’t you see I’m burning up
When you look like that
And I’m looking right back
Why don’t you talk to me, walk with me baby
Come on take me away
I’ve been yours from the start
Summer nights, summer days
I’ll be your summer heart
Come on take me away
I’ve been yours from the start
Talk to me, why won’t you talk to me
Can’t you see I’m burning up
When you look like that
And I’m looking right back
Why don’t you talk to me talk to me
Why won’t ‘cha talk to me
As I go walking by
I feel you looking
That’s why I take my time
Oh oh yeah
I can see what ‘cha wanna do to me
You can feel it something’s gonna break
Well I’m in if you’re in
Let’s make a big mistake
Talk to me, why won’t you talk to me
Can’t you see I’m burning up
When you look like that
And I’m looking right back
Why don’t you talk to me
Walk with me baby
When he’s singing his song
Well all the young girls sigh
And we’ll be wearing those things
That make a grown man cry
Oh oh yeah yeah
I can see what ‘cha wanna do to me
You can feel it something’s gonna break
Well, I’m in if you’re in
Let’s make a big mistake
Talk to me, why won’t you talk to me
Can’t you see I’m burning up
When you look like that
And I’m looking right back
Why don’t you talk to me
Walk with me baby
Come on take me away
I’ve been yours from the start
Summer nights, Summer days
I’ll be your summer heart
Come on take me away
I’ve been yours from the start…
When it’s love like that
And you look like that
Talk to me, why won’t ‘cha talk to me
Can’t you see I’m burning up
When you look like that
And I’m looking right back
Why don’t you talk to me, walk with me baby
Come on take me away
I’ve been yours from the start
Summer nights, summer days
I’ll be your summer heart
Come on take me away
I’ve been yours from the start
Talk to me, why won’t you talk to me
Can’t you see I’m burning up
When you look like that
And I’m looking right back
Why don’t you talk to me talk to me
Why won’t ‘cha talk to me
Kemarin malam (27/7/2012)
Aku, Dita, Tintin, Karini ,Arne sama Fani bikin cupcakes. Ini dia beberapa foto kita waktu lagi bikin , ehhh ini sepertinya bikin kue + gossiping ;p
Kita bikin rainbow cupcakes yang tentunya sangat kiyuttt ;))
Aku, Dita, Tintin, Karini ,Arne sama Fani bikin cupcakes. Ini dia beberapa foto kita waktu lagi bikin , ehhh ini sepertinya bikin kue + gossiping ;p
Kita bikin rainbow cupcakes yang tentunya sangat kiyuttt ;))
Selasa, 10 Juli 2012
Happy holidaaay
Liburan kenaikan kelas ,selesai sudah. KEMBALIKAN 3 MINGGU YANG MENYENANGKAN !!! Pleseee
Dimulai dari menganggur , lalu ari main ke cilacap ikut eyang gara gara ada acara di clp. Terus aku ke jogja, terus pulang lagi ke clp (nganggur lagi)
Terus ke semarang dehhh, lewat magelang . Waktu di magelang makan di resto New Kebon Teboe resto (depan Akademi Militer) , cukup enak tempatnya.
Terus di semarang berapa hari ya , 4 hari !
Pulangnya gak ikut mama papa soalnya ,masih pgn mau liburan.
Akhirnya aku sm mas adit pulang bareng eyang kakung, tante nuk, om santo, bimo, ari.
What a happy holidaaay. I want moreeeeeeeeeeeee
Dimulai dari menganggur , lalu ari main ke cilacap ikut eyang gara gara ada acara di clp. Terus aku ke jogja, terus pulang lagi ke clp (nganggur lagi)
Terus ke semarang dehhh, lewat magelang . Waktu di magelang makan di resto New Kebon Teboe resto (depan Akademi Militer) , cukup enak tempatnya.
Terus di semarang berapa hari ya , 4 hari !
Pulangnya gak ikut mama papa soalnya ,masih pgn mau liburan.
Akhirnya aku sm mas adit pulang bareng eyang kakung, tante nuk, om santo, bimo, ari.
What a happy holidaaay. I want moreeeeeeeeeeeee
Jumat, 15 Juni 2012
Senin, 11 Juni 2012
Senin, 04 Juni 2012
ULANGAN KENAIKAN KELAS. Semoga lancar , nilai tidak perlu muluk muluk yg penting tuntas KKM. Nail kelas dan menjadi siswa kelas 12. Amin O:)
Minggu, 03 Juni 2012
Selasa, 29 Mei 2012
Mmmm ..... Mmmmm.... Yeah....Mmmmm....Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Mmmm...Yeah....Mmmm..... Yeah, Yeah
[Verse 1:]
Baby I just don't get it
Do you enjoy being hurt?
I know you smelled the perfume, the make-up on his shirt
You don't believe his stories
You know that they're all lies
Bad as you are, you stick around and I just don't know why
If I was ya man (baby you)
Never worry bout (what I do)
I'd be coming home (back to you)
Every night, doin' you right
You're the type of woman (deserves good thangs)
Fistful of diamonds (hand full of rings)
Baby you're a star (I just want to show you, you are)
You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you
[Verse 2:]
Your true beauty's description looks so good that it hurts
You're a dime plus ninety-nine and it's a shame
Don't even know what you're worth
Everywhere you go they stop and stare
Cause you're bad and it shows
From your head to your toes, Out of control, baby you know
If I was ya man (baby you)
Never worry bout (what I do)
I'd be coming home (back to you)
Every night doin' you right
You're the type of woman (deserves good thangs)
Fistful of diamonds (hand full of rings)
Baby you're a star (I just want to show you, you are)
You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Ooh Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me....
You deserve better girl (you know you deserve better)
We should be together girl (baby)
With me and you it's whatever girl, hey!
So can we make this thing ours?
You should let me love you
Let me be the one to give you everything you want and need
Baby good love and protection
Make me your selection
Show you the way love's supposed to be
Baby you should let me love you, love you, love you
[repeat til it ends (about 3 times)]
[Mario (talking):]
Let me love you that's all you need baby
phenomeniall. extraordiharry. fabulouis. amazayn. brilliam
I ♥ One direction
apa yang salah menjadi anak bahasa ?
Hey ! Apa sih salahnya masuk kelas bahasa ? program bahasa ?
Ini kan pilihan kami, ini minat kami, ini bakat kami ! Jadi ,please jangan menjelek jelekkan kami !
Kami bukan orang bodoh, bukan ! Justru yang berkomentar seperti itulah yang bodoh...
Kami sering merasa ada cercaan dari sekitar kami, tapi kami diam saja, buat apa repot repot membahas / mengurusnya.
Tapi lama kelamaan sebel juga ...
Anda pikir dengan jurusan lain pasti sukses ? BIG NO !
Hey, masa depan tergantung pada tangan anda. Percumah anda masuk jusuran A & B jika anda tidak mempunyai tanggung jawab / bakat / kemampuan / minat pada bidang tersebut.
Saya, jika sudah lulus SMA nanti saya ingin melanjutkan Hubungan Internasional / Psikologi / Sastra Inggris...
Saya juga ingin menjadi entrepreneur...
Jadi , intinya kami itu punya cita cita ! WE ARE NOT TRASH ! WE HAVE FUTURE !
Orang yg mencerca program kami, adalah orang paling bodoh sekalipun dia berpendidikan tinggi.
Percumah anda berilmu tinggi, jika attitude anda 0 BESAR. Bahkan anda dapat dikatakan orang terbodoh di dunia...
Maaf. Saya ini memang mudah tidak menyukai orang.
Sekali orang itu berbuat tidak sopan, padahal saya sudah berusaha sopan ,saya pasti akan benci dengan orang itu.
Saya mohon, jangan rendahkan kelas saya ,teman teman saya ,program saya.
Anda tidak akan tahu apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan nanti ..
Kami, anak anak program bahasa akan menjadi anak anak sukses. Dan anda akan menyesal telah merendahkan kami.
Ini kan pilihan kami, ini minat kami, ini bakat kami ! Jadi ,please jangan menjelek jelekkan kami !
Kami bukan orang bodoh, bukan ! Justru yang berkomentar seperti itulah yang bodoh...
Kami sering merasa ada cercaan dari sekitar kami, tapi kami diam saja, buat apa repot repot membahas / mengurusnya.
Tapi lama kelamaan sebel juga ...
Anda pikir dengan jurusan lain pasti sukses ? BIG NO !
Hey, masa depan tergantung pada tangan anda. Percumah anda masuk jusuran A & B jika anda tidak mempunyai tanggung jawab / bakat / kemampuan / minat pada bidang tersebut.
Saya, jika sudah lulus SMA nanti saya ingin melanjutkan Hubungan Internasional / Psikologi / Sastra Inggris...
Saya juga ingin menjadi entrepreneur...
Jadi , intinya kami itu punya cita cita ! WE ARE NOT TRASH ! WE HAVE FUTURE !
Orang yg mencerca program kami, adalah orang paling bodoh sekalipun dia berpendidikan tinggi.
Percumah anda berilmu tinggi, jika attitude anda 0 BESAR. Bahkan anda dapat dikatakan orang terbodoh di dunia...
Maaf. Saya ini memang mudah tidak menyukai orang.
Sekali orang itu berbuat tidak sopan, padahal saya sudah berusaha sopan ,saya pasti akan benci dengan orang itu.
Saya mohon, jangan rendahkan kelas saya ,teman teman saya ,program saya.
Anda tidak akan tahu apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan nanti ..
Kami, anak anak program bahasa akan menjadi anak anak sukses. Dan anda akan menyesal telah merendahkan kami.
Rabu, 09 Mei 2012
I'm getting suck to be here...
I don't like to be here...
I don't like this place...
I don't like the atmosphere...
Why God ? :(
I don't like to be here...
I don't like this place...
I don't like the atmosphere...
Why God ? :(
Senin, 07 Mei 2012
Rainbow Cake ala chef Astri
My dad just turned 48th few days ago, on May 3rd exactly.
I gave him a cute birthday cake , it was a rainbow cake and totally yummm ! swear God ;) xx
Here, I'll share the materials :
4 eggs
10 g of emulsifier
200 grams sugar
mix well and sieve:
140 g flour + 1 teaspoon vanilla + 3 tablespoons of milik powder
150 ml of oil I also added sweetened condensed milk for 3 tablespoon
and just mix all the materials and divided it into 5 parts, give it each colors.
Bake it for about 30 mnts, and there you go !!!
Minggu, 22 April 2012
"life is funny, things change, people change, but you will always be you, so stay true to your self and never sacrifice who you are for anyone" - ZAYN MALIK
Sabtu, 21 April 2012
One Thing by. One Direction
I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can't ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race
Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe
Something's gotta give now
Cause I'm dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
Cause you've got that one thing
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing
Now I'm climbing the walls
But you don't notice at all
That I'm going out of my mind
All day and all night
Somethings' gotta give now
Cause I'm dying just to know your name
And I need you here with me now
Cause you've got that one thing
[ From: ]
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
Get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing
Woah (Clapping)
You've got that one thing
Get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
Get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing
Rabu, 18 April 2012
Selasa, 10 April 2012
100 Year by Five For Fighting
HELLO BLOGGERS ! Mau kasih info lagu enak nih ,check it out guys...
I'm fifteen for a moment
Caught in between ten and twenty
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
I'm twenty two for a moment
She feels better than ever
And we're on fire
Making our way back from Mars
Fifteen there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose
Fifteen, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got hundred years to live
I'm thirty three for a moment
Still the man, but you see I'm of age
A kid on the way
A family on my mind
I'm forty five for a moment
The sea is high
And I'm heading into a crisis
Chasing the years of my life
Fifteen there's still time for you
Time to buy, time to lose yourself
Within a morning star
Fifteen I'm all right with you
Fifteen, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got hundred years to live
Half time goes by
Suddenly you're wise
Another blink of an eye
Sixty seven is gone
The sun is getting high
We're moving on
I'm ninety nine for a moment
Dying for just another moment
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
Fifteen there's still time for you
Twenty two I feel her too
Thirty three you're on your way
Every day's a new day
Fifteen there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey fifteen, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got hundred years to live

I'm fifteen for a moment
Caught in between ten and twenty
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
I'm twenty two for a moment
She feels better than ever
And we're on fire
Making our way back from Mars
Fifteen there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose
Fifteen, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got hundred years to live
I'm thirty three for a moment
Still the man, but you see I'm of age
A kid on the way
A family on my mind
I'm forty five for a moment
The sea is high
And I'm heading into a crisis
Chasing the years of my life
Fifteen there's still time for you
Time to buy, time to lose yourself
Within a morning star
Fifteen I'm all right with you
Fifteen, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got hundred years to live
Half time goes by
Suddenly you're wise
Another blink of an eye
Sixty seven is gone
The sun is getting high
We're moving on
I'm ninety nine for a moment
Dying for just another moment
And I'm just dreaming
Counting the ways to where you are
Fifteen there's still time for you
Twenty two I feel her too
Thirty three you're on your way
Every day's a new day
Fifteen there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to choose
Hey fifteen, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got hundred years to live
Jumat, 02 Maret 2012
quote of the day
"respect yourself and others will respect you"
Kamis, 01 Maret 2012
Check this out !! He's Mike Tompkins and he's awesome ... (only by voice and mouth)
check another videos only on youtube ,search : Mike Tompkins
He's aweeee
Rabu, 29 Februari 2012
Selasa, 28 Februari 2012
Banana Oatmeal Cookies
I should make banana oatmeal cookies this weekend ! Anw, I've got the receipe and here I wanna share ya !
1/3 cup gula halus
1 cup mentega tawar
1 butir telur
3/4 cup tepung terigu serba guna
2 cup oatmeal quick cooking
1 cup tepung pisang
1/2 sdt baking soda
1/2 sdt bubuk kayu manis
1. kocok mentega dan gula 2-3 menit
2. Masukkan telur, kocok sebentar hingga tercampur rata, sisihkan
3. campur tepung terigu, tepung pisang, baking soda dan kayu manis hingga rata.
4. campurkan mentega kocok dan tepung, aduk rata
5, tambahkan oarmeal, aduk rata
6. cetak dengan sendok di loyang, lalu pipihkan, panggang kurang lebih 15 menit.
1/3 cup gula halus
1 cup mentega tawar
1 butir telur
3/4 cup tepung terigu serba guna
2 cup oatmeal quick cooking
1 cup tepung pisang
1/2 sdt baking soda
1/2 sdt bubuk kayu manis
1. kocok mentega dan gula 2-3 menit
2. Masukkan telur, kocok sebentar hingga tercampur rata, sisihkan
3. campur tepung terigu, tepung pisang, baking soda dan kayu manis hingga rata.
4. campurkan mentega kocok dan tepung, aduk rata
5, tambahkan oarmeal, aduk rata
6. cetak dengan sendok di loyang, lalu pipihkan, panggang kurang lebih 15 menit.
Alergi oh alergi
Hi , bloggers
Hari ini tuh, aku masuk sekolah tapi baru jam pertama udah langsung pulang ke rumah. Tanya kenapa?
Well, jadi begini ceritanya ...
Senin 27 Februari 2012
Aku les bahasa inggris di -abcd- ,mama yg anter aku ke situ. Terus ada orang jualan siomay ,nah ini nih siomay udh biasa aku beli dari kecil sampai sekarang masih ada. Terus jadilah aku pergi les, sementara mama aku beli siomay. Pulang les sekitar jam 17.30 wib, sesampainya di rumah aku makan tuh siomay di rumah. Jam 7 belum ada apa apa, jam 20.30 mulai punggung gatal-gatal minta ampun , jam 11 aku tidur.
Selasa 28 Februari 2012
Bangun dengan keadaan menggaruk garuk punggung dan muka, dan seketika itu juga shock melihat muka merah merah kaya tomat. Tapi mau gak masuk sekolah ,agak aneh juga ngapain gitu cuma gatal gatal ga masuk
Terus sampai di sekolah ,makin menjadi jadi aja ini gatalnya , akhirnya teman teman memutuskan sebaiknya aku pulang aja. Akhirnya , Adin sama Sari ngajakin aku ke BK minta surat izin ,terus ngobrol bentar sama guru BK nya blablabla ,well you know...
Balik ke kelas, ambil tas pamit sama guru yg sedang mengajar, say goodbye sama teman-teman pulang deh ke rumah dijemput pak No. Thanks Amel ,udah mau anter aku ke depan nunggu jemputan.
Thanks juga Adin ,Sari tadi anterin minta izin... Thanks teman- teman ku semua yang sangat perhatian xoxo, jadi intinya aku alergi ,kalo lagi gak fit ga boleh makan seafood, kata mama dulu waktu umur 9 bulan aku pernah bedrest di RS gara gara siomay. I know it's weird ..

Balik ke kelas, ambil tas pamit sama guru yg sedang mengajar, say goodbye sama teman-teman pulang deh ke rumah dijemput pak No. Thanks Amel ,udah mau anter aku ke depan nunggu jemputan.
Thanks juga Adin ,Sari tadi anterin minta izin... Thanks teman- teman ku semua yang sangat perhatian xoxo, jadi intinya aku alergi ,kalo lagi gak fit ga boleh makan seafood, kata mama dulu waktu umur 9 bulan aku pernah bedrest di RS gara gara siomay. I know it's weird ..

Senin, 27 Februari 2012
I miss you , Grand' Ma
It's 27th of February...
and I miss you grand' ma :')
Eyang ,lagi ngapain sekarang? Aku kangen sekali sama eyang.. Waktu itu tanggal 24 Desember 2011, it was a holy night, it was Christmas night. Kita semua masih senang- senang ya kumpul sama sama, eyang juga seneng banget mas Adit bisa ikut Natal di Jogja.. Tapi tengah mlm eyang sesak nafas, semua bangun, papa ,om, eyang kakung juga semua bingung.
Paginya tanggal 25 Desember, tepat saat Natal eyang ngga bisa ikut ke Gereja :((( terus tanggal 27 itu puncaknya ,eyang masuk rumah sakit...
Tanggal 29 eyang koma, dan tanggal 31 You passed away ... daaaan eyang bawa syal putih oleh oleh dari aku dibawa ke surga ya :') aku nyesel banget ,gak sempet ngobrol2 sama eyang waktu eyang masih sadar + harga syal itu tidak sebanding dengan uang yg eyang kasih utk dibawa aku ke singapore...
I love you so much grand' ma...
Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012
1. What is your name ? - Astri
2. Where do you live? - Cilacap, it's a small place -_-
3. Do you have sister or brother ? - Yeah, a brother named Adit.
4. How old r u? - I'll turn 17th next february, any gift? :p
5. Place you want to visit? - lebih dari 1 it's oke ya broh ? hmm, LA , Raja Ampat (papua), Makassar, Rome, London, NTB, NTT, Medan, Manado, Palembang ,Bali . banyaaaaaaaaaaaaak
6. Place you like the most? - Yogyakarta ;)
7. Your goal? - UGM 2013 , intl' relation program. Amen
8. Your ambition? -Being slim. Have a social foundation when I grow up , and a shop bakery. And THEM ! :p
9. Your favorite actress?- Kristen Stewart & Annisa Pohan
10. Your fave singer ? - Justin Bieber
2. Where do you live? - Cilacap, it's a small place -_-
3. Do you have sister or brother ? - Yeah, a brother named Adit.
4. How old r u? - I'll turn 17th next february, any gift? :p
5. Place you want to visit? - lebih dari 1 it's oke ya broh ? hmm, LA , Raja Ampat (papua), Makassar, Rome, London, NTB, NTT, Medan, Manado, Palembang ,Bali . banyaaaaaaaaaaaaak
6. Place you like the most? - Yogyakarta ;)
7. Your goal? - UGM 2013 , intl' relation program. Amen
8. Your ambition? -Being slim. Have a social foundation when I grow up , and a shop bakery. And THEM ! :p
9. Your favorite actress?- Kristen Stewart & Annisa Pohan
10. Your fave singer ? - Justin Bieber
Pengen punya yayasan sosial
Dear Bloggers ...
How're you guys doing? It's been a loooong time I didn't put any stories on my blog..
Well, sekarang aku sedang ter inspirasi untuk memiliki sebuah yayasan sosial kelak saat aku sudah bekerja nanti / saat aku kuliah.
Seperti membuat rumah pintar, so there would be free education , and maybe help the victims disaster...
Yeaaah, itu semua hanya mimpi. Tapi who knows ,saat aku dewasa nanti aku dapat mewujudkannya ,right?
#believe , #dreams and #MakeItTrue ! that's the key...
Akhir akhir ini ada cita cita pgn punya shop bakery juga , soalnya aku suka masak masak ,bodo amat rasanya enak ato ngga HAHAHA.
Pokoknya dua itu deh yang aku pengen , Yayasan Sosial dan Shop Bakery...
hmmm, ya gitu aja sih yang pengen aku share . Gimana menurut pendapat kalian?
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