Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012


1. What is your name ? - Astri
2. Where do you live? - Cilacap, it's a small place -_-
3. Do you have sister or brother ? - Yeah, a brother named Adit.
4. How old r u? - I'll turn 17th next february, any gift? :p
5. Place you want to visit? - lebih dari 1 it's oke ya broh ? hmm, LA , Raja Ampat (papua), Makassar, Rome, London, NTB, NTT, Medan, Manado, Palembang ,Bali . banyaaaaaaaaaaaaak
6. Place you like the most? - Yogyakarta ;)
7. Your goal? - UGM 2013 , intl' relation program. Amen
8. Your ambition? -Being slim. Have a social foundation when I grow up , and a shop bakery. And THEM ! :p
9. Your favorite actress?- Kristen Stewart & Annisa Pohan
10. Your fave singer ? - Justin Bieber


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